

Join the thous和s of high school students just like you who have participated in 双录取 at Cedarville through Ohio's 大学学分加 (CCP) program. 获得免费双学分 通过我们的在线、校内和暑期住宿课程.

什么是CCP ??

大学学分加 is a funding program run by the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) that promotes rigorous academic pursuits 和 enhances students' college 和 career readiness. Qualified Ohio students in grades 7-12 can take college courses for free, earning both high school 和 college credit when courses are successfully completed.

要了解更多信息,请观看帮助版 CCP解释视频,查看此 中国共产党的概述,或者看一场 网络研讨会 由Cedarville主持的关于CCP在家教育的讲座.



1) 确定你是否有资格参加CCP


  • 住在俄亥俄州
  • Be enrolled in grades 7-12 in any Ohio public, private, or homeschool
  • 通过以下其中一项来证明你已经做好上大学的准备:
    • 高中累计未加权平均成绩至少为3分.0
    • 高中累计未加权平均绩点至少2分.在相关课程中取得“A”或“B”的成绩
    • 获得一个 合格考试成绩 参加中共认可的评估考试

2) 申请并被雪松维尔大学录取

遵循 双招生招生流程 申请雪松维尔大学. 全年接受申请.

新学生: If you need a letter of acceptance from Cedarville to complete your CCP funding application, 请在3月15日前提交所有申请材料.
返回的学生: If you have taken a Cedarville course, you don't need to reapply to Cedarville. 预计在2月中旬收到一封信誉良好的信; 联系Cedarville的CCP 如果你找不到信的位置.

3) 填写成人内容许可表格

CCP requires that families be made aware of the potential for mature or adult content in some college classrooms. 要使用CCP的资金, both parent 和 student must complete the CCP Mature Content Permission Form,也就是 在您的申请提交时通过电子邮件发送.

The following statement regarding course content is posted as a requirement of Ohio HB 110 和 ORC 3365.035:
The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the 大学学分加 program may include mature subject matter or materials, 包括那些图形, 显式的, 暴力, 或者性的本质, that will not be modified based upon 大学学分加 enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs.

在斯德维尔, all courses will meet University expectations for academic quality 和 mission alignment 和 will be taught by professors in full agreement with the University's 教义声明社会契约.

4) 每年申请CCP资助

巴黎人登录官方网站 for CCP funding each year before applications close on April 1st at 5 p.m. 美国东部时间. Note that 斯德维尔的 IRN (information retrieval number) is 063636.

公立学校学生联系你的辅导员并提交你的申请 参与意向书 每年4月1日.
私立学校学生: Let your guidance counselor know that you plan to enroll in CCP courses at Cedarville, 并申请CCP资助 哦| ID账户. 新学生 will upload their letter of acceptance to this account, while returning students will upload their letter of good st和ing. 最后, provide a PDF copy of the CCP award notification to your high school 和 to your Cedarville advisor.
自主学习的学生:申请CCP资助 哦| ID账户. 新学生 will upload their letter of acceptance to this account, while returning students will upload their letter of good st和ing. 最后, provide a PDF copy of the CCP award notification to your Cedarville advisor. 通过观看这些有用的视频了解更多信息 在线研讨会 和CCP一起在家上学.

联系 ccp@education.俄亥俄州.政府 关于申请资金的问题.

5) 完整的指导和建议

一旦你被巴黎人登录官方网站录取, you will receive an email from your 双录取 advisor with instructions for accessing these tasks, 您需要在注册课程之前完成:

  • 查看大学学分加方向
  • 见见你的高中辅导员
  • 与你的双注册顾问见面
  • 审查 巴黎人登录官方网站体验 学生手册

6) 选择和注册课程

你现在已经准备好了 探索课程选择! In order to register for courses, you'll need to contact your advisor before the 注册的最后期限.


You have three payment options as outlined by the Ohio Department of Higher Education. Please note that CCP will not partially fund a course, nor will it fund a course that is not 中国共产党的资格*. 斯德维尔的 在线课程列表 详细说明哪些课程有资格获得中共资助.


你支付学费、书费和其他费用. The course counts as a CCP course 和 is added to both your high school 和 college transcripts.


CCP pays your tuition, Cedarville waives course fees, 和 your high school provides books. The course counts as a CCP course 和 is added to both your high school 和 college transcripts.


你支付学费、书费和其他费用. The course does not count as a CCP course 和 is only added to your college transcript.

*You can take courses that are not 中国共产党的资格 through the 家庭薪酬选择. Ask your high school counselor if the courses can be added to your high school transcript.






Funds are limited, so please only request the number of credit hours that you plan to use.


The Ohio Department of Education or your high school counselor will let you know how many credits you have been awarded each year. 一般情况下,中共学生是允许的:

  • 每年最多30个学时
  • 一生最多120学时
  • A maximum of 4 years of high school eligibility beginning in 9th grade (eligibility ends after the spring semester of your senior year)

Ohio public school courses are subtracted from the 30 credit limit. For private school 和 homeschool students, awarded credits vary annually.



公立学校学生 may appeal to their principal for late submission of the 参与意向书. CCP does not accept private school or homeschool funding applications after April 1 at 5 p.m.

我已经有资金了. 我可以在4月1日截止日期之后申请Cedarville吗?

是的! Just upload a copy of your funding award letter to the OH|ID portal 和 send a copy to your Cedarville advisor.

Can I still take courses if I missed the April 1 funding application deadline?

是的! 巴黎人登录官方网站全年接受双招生学生, but courses will be taken outside of the CCP program 和 funded through the 家庭薪酬选择.



School counselors 和 homeschool parents are responsible for determining if an underperforming student is eligible to enroll in CCP courses. Students on CCP probation or dismissal will be required by their high school to withdraw from courses or to self-pay, 通过 CCP选项A 或者是 家庭薪酬选择. 看到共产党的 差生规则. 学生还需要满足Cedarville的要求 学业进步指引.


CCP students have 2 calendar weeks after the start of the semester to drop a course 和 receive a 100% tuition refund 和 no record of the course on their transcript. 在那之后,学生们跟着 删除/添加日程安排. Withdrawn (W) grades typically do not affect a student's college GPA.

CCP Live Q&A

CCP Live 2024: Q&A代表家庭教育家庭

Join us as we discuss how your high school student can earn college credit while still in high school through the 大学学分加 (CCP) funding program from the state of Ohio.

有更多的问题? 我们是来帮忙的!