One Thous和 Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville


在斯德维尔, you're joining a community that's passionate about growing 在基督里, 玩得开心, 一起生活. 与其他信徒携手 让你的回忆远远超过你的1000天 在校园.


Whether it's late-night conversations in your residence hall, 和你的学生组织的Nerf之战, or an evening sharing the Gospel at a nearby college — your Cedarville experience will overflow with 新的友谊和难忘的活动.

每个校园活动都是为了 建立一个丰富的、以基督为中心的社区. So while you're making memories, you're also paving the way to experience lasting transformation.



Come together with your campus community each day to experience powerful preaching 和 dynamic worship. 一直被认为是巴黎人登录官方网站校园的心脏, chapel will challenge you to make God's Word central in your life. Explore past 和 upcoming chapels, 和 learn more about how chapel will encourage you to follow Christ wholeheartedly.

Grow 在基督里 alongside others by joining a discipleship group, 和 用你的恩赐来影响王国. 无论是辅导孩子, 与囚犯分享上帝的爱, 或者将福音传播到列国, there are countless ministries to get involved with during your time at Cedarville! Discover 全球推广, music ministry, 和 on-campus ministry opportunities.


Make the most of your 1000 Days 在校园 和 get involved! From music ensembles to 学生组织 和 intramural sports, you're sure to find a community where you'll feel at home.

  • 两个学生拿着希塔派的运动衫


    Discover the wide range of student groups you can get involved with. From ultimate frisbee to health sciences to photography, 你可以加入一个组织!
  • 一组歌手在音乐会合唱表演


    See how you can get involved with an ensemble 和 use your musical gifts to gain valuable experience, 与活跃的社区建立持久的联系, 和, 最重要的是, 荣耀主.
  • 三个学生在攀岩墙前微笑


    在36英尺高的攀岩墙之间, 沙排球场, 健身中心, 场的房子, 和更多的, there are plenty of ways for you to stay active 在校园.
  • Group of male students playing intramural basketball game


    Have fun competing against your classmates in sports ranging from flag football to badminton. Make great friends 和 lasting memories, all while getting some exercise 和 a study break.
  • Group of students acting in The Lion, The Witch 和 The Wardrobe


    你对舞台有热情吗? Make theatre productions come to life by participating in a play or musical, 在幕后帮忙, 或者只是享受一场激动人心的表演.
  • 女子足球队在球场上庆祝胜利


    Whether you're interested in being an NCAA DII athlete or would rather cheer on our sports teams from the st和s, explore everything that Yellow Jacket athletics has to offer you.



从零开始, 你在校园的第一个周末, 到ALT夜和独特的宿舍传统, 总是有活动在进行, 让校园团结起来 创造难忘的回忆.



  • 8月 16


    Getting Started is one of the most memorable experiences you'll have at Cedarville—the welcome home experience for our Yellow Jackets, 新与旧. 从你开车经过大学大道的那一刻起, 为了搬进你的宿舍, to meeting fellow students like you in your Sting group, you will be introduced to Cedarville 和 learn ways to begin plugging in to this community. Your family will be met with clear direction 和 an exciting atmosphere throughout the process as you are welcomed into the Cedarville family.
  • 8月 19


  • 10月 3





  • MDiv专业的一天

    你好! 我叫利比. I am in my last year of the BA/MDiv program here at Cedarville. 因为我既是通勤者又是研究生, a day in my life probably looks a bit unqiue from the typical Cedarville experience. In the past, I’ve lived 在校园 in Willetts Hall (woot woot!),... 观点的文章

  • Maximize Your Study Sessions: My Top Three Local Study Havens

    研究. 对很多人来说,这就像去看牙医一样. 在那之前的几个小时里, your insides squirm at the thought of breaking the tempting reverie of whatever TV show you’re bingeing online 和 plunking your derriere down in that chair. 你在开车过来的时候畏缩了一下,然后走回去... 观点的文章

  • 在繁忙的日程中寻找休息

    “我太累了.“老实说, that statement is probably the phrase I say the most to my friends, 谁通常点头表示同意并说, “Me, 太.” Tiredness seems to be the anthem of the college student, 和 it can be attributed to any number of factors: homework, 社会活动, 工作, 学生组织,... 观点的文章

我的1000天:Kaylee Probst

Kaylee Probst '22 shares how her 1000 Days at Cedarville University helped her grow in her faith 和 prepare for her future.


巴黎人登录官方网站, we have 16 intercollegiate sports that participate in the Great Midwest Athletic Conference, NCAA第二组, 以及NCCAA. We have more than 300 student-athletes who are competing for Christ, 争夺冠军, 改变体育文化. There's no other institution doing athletics like Cedarville!


Matthew Schroll shares his Cedarville story through his life-changing experience at Cedarville that not only helped him grow spiritually, 但他也在护理事业上取得了进步.


Molecular biology major Angela Aad '23 shares what has made her 1000 Days at Cedarville so special.


Megan Albright '23 shares how Cedarville's nursing program prepared her with the knowledge, 技能, 和 biblical focus to meet both the physical 和 spiritual needs of her patients.


Recent graduate Kora Arminio shares what made her Cedarville experience so special 和 how her communication degree has prepared her for wherever God leads her next.