
EMS教育- EMT课程




不提供经济援助. 课程费用不符合学费减免的资格.

Students must fulfill all immunization requirements in order to participate in this course (see "需求"). 由于项目要求, 免疫豁免表格和/或任何其他豁免可能不被接受 按临床地点划分. 豁免是我们无法控制的. 学生必须完成所有必需的儿童免疫接种.

此费用包括课程费用和EMT衬衫. 学生可以购买课本(根据方法不同,售价45- 75美元)。, 工作簿(83美元), 血压袖带(39美元), 和听诊器(100美元). 价格可能会有变动.)推荐 that students research blood pressure cuffs and stethoscopes and purchase ones that best meet their budget and needs. Students will be responsible for the cost of the National Registry Exam ($80).

2023 - 2024年的日期

Students may submit an application before the registration period to "hold" their place on the roster.


2023年8月24日- 12月5日
周二和周四下午6-10点.m.在美国,一些(4)强制性的星期六上午8点.m. – 8 p.m.
(9/9/23, 9/30/23, 11/4/23, 11/18/23)


2024年1月11日- 4月16日
周二和周四下午6-10点.m.在美国,一些(4)强制性的星期六上午8点.m. – 8 p.m.
(2/3/24, 2/24/24, 3/23/24, 4/13/24)

书籍可以通过校园商店买到. 搜索他们的 网站 使用课程代码CEEM 0301.

Some opt to include MyBradyLab in their purchase and have found the online resources to be helpful. 这不是本课程的要求. 检查一下 继续教育 有关购买这些资源的说明.


篮板SP16 -


“绝对值得花时间和金钱! Just make sure your course load isn't too heavy, as this class requires a large amount of studying. 的 information and skills you learn are well worth it and the profs are excellent and really show they care about 你作为一个人和未来的急救医生."

“努力学习,否则就没有乐趣了. 你应该认真对待这件事. I don't want my life in somebody's hands who didn't study or take this seriously and I'm sure you don't either. 注重细节!!"

“我真的很喜欢这门课! 学到了很多,也很喜欢教官. 他们很了解我们,也很关心我们的成功."

"I thought this was a lot of fun and I felt really prepared for practicals and the final."

"(This instructor) is not comfortable and satisfied until you are comfortable and satisfied. 优秀的教学."


“这是我上过的最好的课. Very well organized and information was presented in an easy to digest manner."

"I really enjoyed (this instructor's) patience and thoroughness with which he taught and explained things. 谢谢你对我们学生的关心!"

"(This instructor had) great understanding and knowledge of everything EMT so a great resource."

"(This instructor) thoroughly taught the topics and made sure that we understood them - especially in lab. 他从他的实地经验中给我们提供了实际的意见." 



这门课程包括说教式教学, 实验室实践, 以及在各种环境下的临床经验. Lecture and laboratory experiences are coordinated with clinical experiences. 每个学生预计要完成20个小时 除了140个小时的课堂教学外,还有很多临床实践. 的 EMS education training courses give students fundamental skills and intense training to prepare them for the National Registry Exam. 完成课程后 并通过NREMT考试, students will be qualified to provide emergency care in a pre-hospital setting to their level of certification.

通过NREMT考试后, EMT students enrolled at 斯德维尔大学 may be awarded seven semester hours toward general electives when they present the NREMT card to the Registrar's Office. 学生们不必上这门课 在巴黎人登录官方网站获得这些小时的奖励.



  • Students will be able to define and practice the role of the EMT in the health care delivery system.
  • 学生将理解并巴黎人登录官方网站解剖学, 生理学, and patho生理学 in the assessment and therapy of critically ill and injured persons.
  • 学生将在快速评估中发展技能, 数据解释, 以及病人或伤者的治疗干预.
  • 学生将有能力执行技术技能, 包括基本心脏生命支持, 病人运输, 沟通, 和文档.
  • Students will assume responsibility for continued growth and self-improvement.



  1. 拥有高中文凭或大专以上学历.E.D. 证书.
  2. 精通英语的读、写、说. Must have a TOEFL score of 79 on the internet-based test if English is not the student's primary language.
  3. 以前没有重罪前科.
  4. Be at least 18 years of age at the end of the course, in accordance with OAC 4765-8-01.
  5. 能举起50磅.
  6. 能够长时间站立和/或行走.
  7. 斯德维尔大学 students must have their advisor's signature on the application form.
  8. 体检必须在上课前完成, 包括*两个MMR或滴度, 目前的流感疫苗, 两步结核试验, 破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗的, 二是水痘或滴度, 以及乙型肝炎系列疫苗. EMS教育健康史 并且必须使用实物形式来报告这些信息. (see "在巴黎人登录官方网站") Any student that fails to complete this by the Wednesday before class begins will be automatically dismissed from the program.
    *注:由于课程要求, immunization exemption forms and/or any other waiver in place of the requirements listed above are not guaranteed to be accepted 按临床地点划分. Students must have all childhood immunizations in order to participate in the EMT program
  9. A background check must be completed prior to the start of class through 斯德维尔大学's Campus Security office (see "在巴黎人登录官方网站"). 这门课程很严格,一年中可能会开设几次. 虽然即将到来的新生 welcome, we encourage them to take the course after one semester of study.

A student cannot be kept from taking the course because of academic concerns, however the student may receive the recommendation that he/she not take the course at this time. It is highly advisable that the student take this recommendation seriously.



步骤1 填妥及递交 EMT学生申请 继续教育办事处(见下文).

步骤2 一旦收到继续教育办公室, a follow-up email will contain a link to complete your enrollment in the EMT course along with your payment options.

重要的是: 保存并 通过电子邮件发送申请 或打印后邮寄至:

251 N. 主圣.

的 继续教育 office is on the third floor of Founders Hall if you want to drop it off in person.

Enrollment will remain open until the registration deadline, when payment is due. 在注册截止日期后,将不予退款. 如果学生想退学, 他们必须不迟于开课前一周提交申请, 其中 课程费用(减去35美元的手续费)将被退还.

A confirmation of the class meeting time and room location will be emailed to the student the week before the class begins.

的re will be no course fee refund after class has been in session for 16 class hours. A ten percent administrative fee will be deducted from the remaining course fee. 被开除的学生将丧失所有已支付的费用.


Once you have been accepted into the program, you will need the following:


必须报上 EMS实物形式. 在注册截止日期前提交.

  1. 目前肺结核物理和两步检测 不超过6个月 上课的时候
  2. 流感疫苗,本学年流行
  3. 2 MMR或滴度
  4. 水痘或滴度
  5. 乙型肝炎系列
  6. Tdap - 10年有效

Physicals are available for CU full time students by appointment at University Medical Services. 联系他们: 安排约会. 如果学生选择使用自己的医生,他们必须有 EMS实物形式 由医生完成.



  1. 给予第一次结核菌素皮肤试验(TST)
  2. 计算和解释第一个TST
  3. 第二次TST在7 - 21天后进行
  4. 计算和解释第二个TST

学生必须提交健康保险证明. 在注册截止日期前提交.


的 background check must be scheduled no later than the day of the registration deadline.

  • A prior Ohio BCI background check will be acceptable if the EMS student has been a member of good standing of a fire or EMS agency and has had a BCI background check within one year of beginning clinicals. 
  • 在俄亥俄州居住至少5年-需要BCI(40美元)
  • 不是俄亥俄州居民至少5年-需要BCI和FBI(65美元) 
EMS students are required to use Campus Security to obtain background checks. 电话预约(937-766-7992). 

Your medical information and background check must be in our office by the registration deadline, 否则您的注册将被取消, 你的钱会退的. 的 只有 例外是在秋季学期注射流感疫苗. 在这种情况下,流感疫苗的截止日期将在课堂上宣布.


  1. Textbook - correct edition; may be new or used
  2. 练习簿——必须是新的
  3. 血压袖带
  4. 听诊器


