One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the BA in Spanish Degree

Why Study Spanish at Cedarville?

巴黎人登录官方网站独特的基督教文学士西班牙语将装备你阅读, 写, 说话, and comprehend spoken Spanish. 你将获得一种文化理解,这样你就能在各种社会环境中适当地互动. Studying the language, history, 和西班牙民族的文学也将为你提供练习他们的语言技能的机会,并获得对西班牙文化的贡献和价值观的赞赏.

西班牙语是世界上22个国家超过4亿人使用的主要语言. 美国现在是世界上第二大讲西班牙语的国家, second only to Mexico. The ability to 说话 another language 在不同的文化背景下保持良好的联系是21世纪必不可少的技能.

This program is also offered as a minor.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?

Program Overview

Program Highlights

圣经 您的西班牙语课程将为您提供各种机会,将您的信仰与语言学习结合起来, 从背诵圣经经文到准备用西班牙语分享你的信仰, to examining cultural practices 并从圣经和基督教的世界观探索移民等当代问题. 你的高级顶点课程将侧重于从圣经的角度评估一个主题的原创性研究. If you choose to go into a service 职业, such as social work or healthcare, 你将学习如何成为服务提供者和客户之间的“文化桥梁”.

医疗选择 — Customize your degree by adding the Certificate in Medical Spanish. 这为您提供了具体的健康相关词汇和文化的理解,通过课程和临床经验的互动 with Hispanic patients.

互补 由于西班牙语专业只有34个学分(超出初级西班牙语), it serves as a unique complement to majors in other disciplines, such as business, 任务, 心理学, 国际 studies, graphic design, social work, criminal justice, and more.

快速通道 -您可以通过大学先修学分(最多21小时)获得先前学习西班牙语的学分, College Level Examination Program (CLEP) (up to 15 hours), or test-out credit through our in-house Spanish Placement Exam (varies). If you earn credit through any of these methods, 你就不需要在巴黎人登录官方网站上那些相应的课程了, saving you time and money.

Cross-Cultural Experience -鼓励你通过参加认可的跨文化体验来加强你的项目, such as a study abroad program or Global Outreach trip. Cedarville University maintains a cooperative program with the Institute of Spanish Studies in Valencia, 西班牙, which allows you to spend a semester studying abroad.

Placement Success

We’re proud of our successful graduates! 95.8% of recent graduates from the Department of English, 文学, 或在毕业后六个月内进入研究生院工作. Check out Cedarville’s other placement rates.

What Can You Do With a Spanish Degree?

主修西班牙语的学生通常还需要完成一门额外的课程 主修其他学科,比如全球商业,宣教学, 历史、心理学、社会工作或语言学等等 most common combinations. They then go on to careers in their chosen 在西班牙语和西班牙语方面非常流利 跨文化能力,这使他们有别于单语 候选人.

我们最近的一些毕业生包括在厄瓜多尔的一所基督教学校担任英语作为第二语言(非母语英语课程)教师, a social worker working with Hispanic immigrants, a nurse who works at a large Hispanic clinic in Philadelphia, several English teachers in Asia, 在一家在中美洲设有分公司的公司从事印刷材料工作的专业作家, and several high school Spanish teachers.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom


Study Abroad in 西班牙 — 在西班牙的瓦伦西亚度过一个学期,沉浸在你学习的文化中.

Global Outreach — Participate in a short-term 任务 opportunity in Mexico, Central America, the Dominican Republic, 秘鲁, and other Spanish-说话ing countries.

Ministry Opportunities -找一个 当地部门 where you can share God's love and truth with others. 与国际校园圣经团契一起服事,并与赖特州立大学的国际学生讨论美国文化, 非母语英语课程, relationship building, 和传福音. 探索这个和其他可用的事工,并在社区中为基督产生影响.

西班牙俱乐部 - - - 西班牙俱乐部 is a student organization that meets regularly to practice conversational Spanish. They participate in cultural activities, including ministry to local Hispanic churches, 并举办一年一度的“阿拉班扎之夜”活动,向全体学生开放.

Foreign Film Series - - - Foreign Film Series 提供了 让巴黎人登录官方网站社区有机会观看来自世界各地的有趣和具有挑战性的电影. 该系列允许观众通过文化本身的眼睛窥视往往陌生的文化.

  • Interior of Valencia Cathedral

    Semester in 西班牙

    在西班牙瓦伦西亚度过一个学期,一边学习一边体验当地文化. You'll be accompanied by a Cedarville faculty member, 给你同样优秀的教学,你会在校园体验.

Program Curriculum

Building on your core liberal arts and Bible minor courses, you 将修西班牙语、历史、文化、文学等课程 电影. Students completing the Spanish major, especially with a semester-length immersion experience, typically attain the ACTFL proficiency level of Advanced Low.


  • Latin American Civilization and 文学
  • Spanish Conversation

Program Format and Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Students sitting outside under the shade of trees.

From Our Students:

Job and Grad School Placement
