


准备为将来成为一名土木工程师铺平道路? Cedarville's 土木工程学士学位 (BSCE) program is designed to prepare you for a fulfilling career in the dynamic world of civil engineering. You'll gain the knowledge and practical skills you need to succeed in various in-demand fields and be equipped to use your vocation for Kingdom impact.

作为一个土木工程专业的学生, 你将受益于最新的设施, 有经验的教师, 以及丰富的科学和工程资源. Whether laying the foundation through lectures or putting engineering into practice with design projects and laboratory exercises, 你将接受以圣经真理为基础的良好教育. 当你毕业时, you'll be ready for a successful career in civil engineering and ready to impact communities and shape the world around you for Christ.

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职业准备 — To ensure you are properly prepared to engage across the broad range of opportunities in civil engineering, 你会 undertake courses to develop knowledge and skills across a variety of civil engineering 主题包括:

  • 建筑工程与项目管理
  • 材料测试与设计
  • 环境工程,水处理和空气污染管理
  • 岩土工程
  • 结构分析和设计与钢,混凝土和木材
  • 交通运输工程
  • 水分布与水文

在你大三和大四的时候, 你会 develop specialized technical skills in a specific subdiscipline of civil engineering through your selection of one of five civil engineering concentrations:

  • 环境工程
  • 一般土木工程
  • 国际基础设施工程
  • 结构工程
  • 水利工程

认证 -我们的BSCE项目获得了ABET工程认证委员会的认可, http://www.abet.org. This is the same professional accreditation 你会 find at Big 10 and large research universities. (查看我们的 学生的结果,符合ABET认证标准.)

实验室和项目 — Our program has been specifically designed to incorporate lab and project 经验s across the curriculum. 从建造一个30英尺. 木桥作为大一新生,设计和测试自己的混凝土 混合, 或者配置一个功能性的水净化系统, our whole program is designed to have you in the lab applying the concepts and theories you’re learning in class. 当你这样做的时候,你也会发展实用的技能和经验 让你毕业时具有竞争优势. 在2020年秋季,新的锡达维尔大学土木工程中心(CEC)开放. 这22,000平方英尺, 最先进的设施是根据我们的实践方法专门设计的 土木工程.

指导教师 你的教授不仅会教你的课, but they will also mentor and guide you as you progress through our program and out into the profession. 我们的教授都是虔诚的基督徒, 他们认为自己的角色是上帝的召唤, 并认识到伟大的教育超越了课堂,延伸到生活的各个领域. Our faculty and support staff are well-equipped to lead you through the deepest technical aspects of civil engineering, 在设计和项目上与你一起工作, 并为您提供健全的精神, 学术, 以及专业的建议.

现实世界的经验 -通过实验室经验, 设计竞赛, 和实习, 在攻读工程学位的过程中,你将获得宝贵的实际经验.


土木工程中心, 2020年8月开业, 房屋的教室, 实验室, 以及巴黎人登录官方网站土木工程专业的教员办公室.


Dr. 罗伯特Chasnov, 工程与计算机科学学院院长, 谈到了巴黎人登录官方网站优秀工程项目的最新成员.


BSCE学位可以给你带来各种各样的职业机会. 土木工程是需求量最大的工程学科之一. Civil engineering 工作 have a projected growth of 8% through 2024 (compared to a 3% projected growth for all engineering 工作).

As our society continues to grow and develop, demand for civil engineers continues to be strong. 这不仅仅是建立新的公共基础设施. 国家面临日益严峻的挑战,道路状况日益恶化, 桥梁, 大坝, pipelines and other infrastructure means that the need for civil engineers is continuing to increase. A growing civil engineering workforce is essential to ensure our nation’s continued economic growth, 安全与保障.

如果你有兴趣去国外工作, 土木工程可以为你提供一个充满机会的世界. Civil engineers address a host of fundamental human needs and provide the foundational infrastructure upon which societies develop. 世界各地, there are growing opportunities for skilled civil engineers who can help provide solutions for communities facing serious challenges with water supplies, 污水处理, 基本的住所. 作为一名土木工程师,你可以拯救生命,改变社会.

Graduate and professional programs and employers welcome Cedarville University graduates each year. It is important to note that some professional career fields you may pursue require additional education, 经验, and/or licensure beyond the completion of your Cedarville University undergraduate degree.


我们为我们成功的毕业生感到骄傲! 98.1% of recent graduates from the 工程与计算机科学学院 were employed or in graduate school within six months of graduation. 看看Cedarville的其他安置率.


因为你在巴黎人登录官方网站攻读土木工程学位, 你的教育将得到课外活动机会的补充.

实习 -我们的学生发现,现实世界的经验是无可替代的. 暑期实习将使你在一家土木工程公司工作, 在土木工程领域干实事,还能拿薪水! Our civil engineering students have already completed internships at a range of civil engineering, 结构工程, 施工管理, 测量, 以及俄亥俄州和美国各地的部委组织.S.

比赛 — Cedarville engineering students participate in many 设计竞赛 sponsored by national and international organizations such as the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 美国机械工程师学会(ASME), SAE国际, 美国国家航空航天局, 电气和电子工程师协会, 美国能源部(DOE), 俄亥俄州专业工程师协会(OSPE). Check out our teams and compare their results to those from other universities — you'll be impressed!

合作项目 -参加co-op项目时, 你将在大学期间开始挣钱, 获得专业经验, 建立良好的人际关系, 和更多的. 查看我们的 合作社手册.

学生组织 — You will be encouraged to become an active member of one or more of our national and international professional societies. 他们组织会议,推广行业旅游,参加地区会议, 在高级小组会议上与专业人士接触.

  • 巴黎人登录官方网站土木工程师学会 – This society is intended to develop into a student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers. 这个协会包括每月的土木工程会议 students and faculty share dinner and hear a presentation from a practicing civil engineering professional.
  • 女工程师学会(SWE) – Society for Women Engineers is an organization that stimulates women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders.
  • 辅助任务工程师学会(SEAM) – SEAM’s mission is to educate, equip, and engage engineers in the cause of world missions.
  • Tau Beta Pi工程荣誉协会 - Tau Beta Alpha是雪松维尔大学工程荣誉协会, which recognizes junior and senior engineering majors for outstanding scholastic achievement combined with a strong 基督徒的品格.


在你的核心文科和圣经辅修课程的基础上,你将选修一门 系列课程 来自科学、数学和工程领域. In addition to getting a broad education across several major disciplines of civil engineering, 你会 选择一个专业领域作为你的重点:环境工程, 一般土木工程, 国际基础设施工程, 结构工程, 或者水利工程.


Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. 你可能也想 consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.


  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 四年












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